Exclusive Free MFAA Webinar – Australia’s $133B Private Lending Industry

private lending agreement

Did you know that 90% of our borrowers are new to private lending?


As banks grapple with ever-increasing regulatory oversight and a heightened focus on return on regulatory capital, private lending has stepped in as a strong alternative debt provider for borrowers seeking a more malleable funding solution. 

The private credit market has been growing at a rate of 20% per annum and is now a $133 billion dollar market in Australia. By the end of 2025, the global private debt market is projected to reach $1.46 trillion from $848 billion at the end of 2020, welcoming 11.4% growth annually.

Key to optimisation borrower outcomes is understanding the private lending landscape and knowing the red flags brokers and borrowers should be cognisant of. 

In a recent webinar hosted by MFAA, I was privileged to share with its members the unexplored territory of the private lending industry in today’s market and the clear-cut signs you should be aware of when dealing with private lenders.



I welcome you to contact our team directly via the website or phone to either have a confidential discussion or to simply send me some deal metrics to be part of our private lender network.